All modern computer processors from Intel, AMD to Nvidia are based off of a design developed by a brilliant scientist named Theodore Von Neuman in the 1940s. This design is fine for day to day needs of the modern consumer.
However, this design has always fallen short for data heavy compute intensive scientific simulations. John Backus in 1977 accepting his Turing award, coined the term “von Neumann bottleneck” to describe this problem.
In the past, improvements in speed and ability of processors from one generation to the next made this problem less relevant. But with the end of Moore’s Law, we will need something else to keep up with the pace of scientific and technological improvements we are used to.
To solve this problem, Vorticity built a computer system from the ground up for scientific computing including ground breaking improvements to the processor architecture, memory system and computer to computer interconnects. The result is a system that solves certain scientific problems up to 5 orders of magnitude faster than existing modern computers.
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